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IMPORTANT: All our meetings are open to everyone, so if you are not part of LosFuzzys, feel free to come anyway. And if you know some people interested in what we do, please invite them. :-)


You can subscribe to our calendar with your favorite application using our iCal feed.

The calendar contains LosFuzzys' trainings and meetings. Furthermore, we add interesting CTFs (details and discussions about our participation on the mailinglist). In addition, the calendar features events we consider relevant for our people (like conferences and important local events).

Beginner Trainings!

In order to constantly improve LosFuzzys, members are organizing beginner trainings where we focus on a specific topic and exlore it together.

As with the meetings trainings are open to everyone!, check out our Discord Server or the table below for dates.

Trainings are usually held at IAIK's Meeting room (IFEG074) or Seminar room (IFEG042). Both rooms are part of TU Graz' Inffeldgasse Campus and located at the ground floor of Inffeldgasse 16a.

In case you are interested in participating (or just curious), feel free to visit us at the FuzzyLab (IFEG064).

Planned beginner trainings in WS2024:

Date Training
09.10.2024 18:15 Intro to CTFs
16.10.2024 18:15 Intro to Web
23.10.2024 18:15 Intro to Python
30.10.2024 18:15 Intro to Linux
06.11.2024 18:15 Intro to PrivEsc
20.11.2024 18:15 Intro to Binary exploitation

We highly recommend bringing a laptop, as most of our sessions are interactive with hands-on tasks.

Weekly Meetings?

LosFuzzys and friends meet every Wednesday at 18:30 to discuss current topics, look at some CTF challenges together in a relaxed atmosphere, and talk about the security stuff we recently learned or the cool tool we just discovered. It is always a good idea to bring your computer.

The meetings are very informal an open to everyone! For special meetings and topic announcements check out the calender (above) or the announcements (below).

We usually meet in IAIK's Meeting room (IFEG074) or Seminar room (IFEG042). Both rooms are part of TU Graz' Inffeldgasse Campus and located at the ground floor of Inffeldgasse 16a.

In case you are interested in participating (or just curious), feel free to visit us at the FuzzyLab (IFEG064).

/meetings/ $
